Dyclonine is an oral anaesthetic found in Sucrets, an over the counter throat lozenge. It is also found in some varieties of the Cepacol sore throat spray. Reference standards of Dyclonine API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Dyclonine [catalogue_number] => PA 31 86000 [category_ids] => ,78,70,82, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 289.42 [form] => C18H27NO2 [cas] => 586-60-7 [pslug] => 586-60-7-dyclonine-api-pa3186000 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 1 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 31 86000
Molecular Formula : C18H27NO2
Molecular Weight : 289.42
stdClass Object ( [pname] => 1-(4-Butoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxypropan-1-one [catalogue_number] => PA 31 86510 [category_ids] => ,78,70,82, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 222.28 [form] => C13H18O3 [cas] => 165261-15-4 [pslug] => 165261-15-4-1-4-butoxyphenyl-3-hydroxypropan-1-one-pa3186510 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 31 86510
Molecular Formula : C13H18O3
Molecular Weight : 222.28
stdClass Object ( [pname] => 1-(4-Butoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one [catalogue_number] => PA 31 86520 [category_ids] => ,78,70,82, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 204.27 [form] => C13H16O2 [cas] => 66536-15-0 [pslug] => 66536-15-0-1-4-butoxyphenyl-prop-2-en-1-one-pa3186520 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 31 86520
Molecular Formula : C13H16O2
Molecular Weight : 204.27
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