Irinotecan main use is in colon cancer, in particular, in combination with other chemotherapy agents. This includes the regimen FOLFIRI, which consists of infusional 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan. It is sold under the brand name Camptosar. Reference standards of Irinotecan API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object
[pname] => Irinotecan
[catalogue_number] => PA 09 15000
[category_ids] => ,69,81,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 586.68
[form] => C33H38N4O6
[cas] => 97682-44-5
[pslug] => 97682-44-5-irinotecan-api-pa0915000
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Catalogue No.:PA 09 15000
Molecular Formula : C33H38N4O6
Molecular Weight : 586.68
stdClass Object
[pname] => Irinotecan Keto Impurity
[catalogue_number] => PA 09 16510
[category_ids] => ,69,81,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 542.67
[form] => C32H38N4O4
[cas] => 176515-52-9
[pslug] => 176515-52-9-irinotecan-keto-impurity-pa0916510
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Catalogue No.:PA 09 16510
Molecular Formula : C32H38N4O4
Molecular Weight : 542.67
stdClass Object
[pname] => Irinotecan Acid Sodium Salt
[catalogue_number] => PA 09 16520
[category_ids] => ,69,81,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 626.68
[form] => C33H39N4NaO7
[cas] => 1329502-92-2
[pslug] => 1329502-92-2-irinotecan-acid-sodium-salt-pa0916520
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Irinotecan Acid Sodium Salt
Catalogue No.:PA 09 16520
Molecular Formula : C33H39N4NaO7
Molecular Weight : 626.68
stdClass Object
[pname] => Irinotecan 2-Hydroxy Impurity
[catalogue_number] => PA 09 16540
[category_ids] => ,80,69,71,81,75,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 602.68
[form] => C33H38N4O7
[cas] => 1346597-39-4
[pslug] => 1346597-39-4-irinotecan-2-hydroxy-impurity-pa0916540
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Irinotecan 2-Hydroxy Impurity
Catalogue No.:PA 09 16540
Molecular Formula : C33H38N4O7
Molecular Weight : 602.68
stdClass Object
[pname] => 11-Desethyl Irinotecan-d10
[catalogue_number] => PA STI 027330
[category_ids] => ,70,71,75,78,80,81,82,98,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 568.69
[form] => C31H24D10N4O6
[cas] => NA
[pslug] => 11-desethyl-irinotecan-d10-pasti027330
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11-Desethyl Irinotecan-d10
Catalogue No.:PA STI 027330
Molecular Formula : C31H24D10N4O6
Molecular Weight : 568.69
stdClass Object
[pname] => 2-Hydroxy Irinotecan-d10
[catalogue_number] => PA STI 049410
[category_ids] => ,80,69,71,81,75,98,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 612.74
[form] => C33H28D10N4O7
[cas] => 1346597-30-5
[pslug] => 1346597-30-5-2-hydroxy-irinotecan-d10-pasti049410
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Catalogue No.:PA STI 049410
Molecular Formula : C33H28D10N4O7
Molecular Weight : 612.74
stdClass Object
[pname] => Irinotecan-d10 Hydrochloride
[catalogue_number] => PA STI 053600
[category_ids] => ,69,81,98,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 633.20
[form] => C33H29D10ClN4O6
[cas] => NA
[pslug] => irinotecan-d10-hydrochloride-pasti053600
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Irinotecan-d10 Hydrochloride
Catalogue No.:PA STI 053600
Molecular Formula : C33H29D10ClN4O6
Molecular Weight : 633.20
stdClass Object
[pname] => Irinotecan-d10 Hydrochloride (Major)
[catalogue_number] => PA STI 088709
[category_ids] => ,98,69,123,81,75,76,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 633.21
[form] => C33H29D10ClN4O6
[cas] => 718612-62-5
[pslug] => 718612-62-5-irinotecan-d10-hydrochloride-major-pasti088709
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Irinotecan-d10 Hydrochloride (Major)
Catalogue No.:PA STI 088709
Molecular Formula : C33H29D10ClN4O6
Molecular Weight : 633.21
stdClass Object
[pname] => 1'-Nitroso-1,4'-bipiperidine
[catalogue_number] => PA 09 0151008
[category_ids] => ,69,81,78,70,82,162,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 197.28
[form] => C10H19N3O
[cas] => 2639422-25-4
[pslug] => 2639422-25-4-1-nitroso-1-4-bipiperidine-pa090151008
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Catalogue No.:PA 09 0151008
Molecular Formula : C10H19N3O
Molecular Weight : 197.28
stdClass Object
[pname] => (S)-6-(([1,4'-Bipiperidine]-1'-carbonyl)oxy)-4-ethyl-2-(4-ethyl-4-hydroxy-3,8-dioxo-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-1H-pyrano[3,4-c]pyridin-6-yl)quinoline-3-carboxylic Acid
[catalogue_number] => PA 09 0151009
[category_ids] => ,69,81,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 618.69
[form] => C33H38N4O8
[cas] => 2252499-29-7
[pslug] => 2252499-29-7-s-6-1-4-bipiperidine-1-carbonyl-oxy-4-ethyl-2-4-ethyl-4-hydroxy-3-8-dioxo-3-4-7-8-tetrahydro-1h-pyrano-3-4-c-pyridin-6-yl-quinoline-3-carboxylic-acid-pa090151009
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(S)-6-(([1,4'-Bipiperidine]-1'-carbonyl)oxy)-4-ethyl-2-(4-ethyl-4-hydroxy-3,8-dioxo-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-1H-pyrano[3,4-c]pyridin-6-yl)quinoline-3-carboxylic Acid
Catalogue No.:PA 09 0151009
Molecular Formula : C33H38N4O8
Molecular Weight : 618.69
stdClass Object
[pname] => (S)-2-(12-Ethyl-2-hydroxy-8-(hydroxymethyl)-9-oxo-9,11-dihydroindolizino[1,2-b]quinolin-7-yl)-2-hydroxybutanoic Acid
[catalogue_number] => PA 09 0151010
[category_ids] => ,69,81,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 410.43
[form] => C22H22N2O6
[cas] => 142677-15-4
[pslug] => 142677-15-4-s-2-12-ethyl-2-hydroxy-8-hydroxymethyl-9-oxo-9-11-dihydroindolizino-1-2-b-quinolin-7-yl-2-hydroxybutanoic-acid-pa090151010
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(S)-2-(12-Ethyl-2-hydroxy-8-(hydroxymethyl)-9-oxo-9,11-dihydroindolizino[1,2-b]quinolin-7-yl)-2-hydroxybutanoic Acid
Catalogue No.:PA 09 0151010
Molecular Formula : C22H22N2O6
Molecular Weight : 410.43