Chemically, it is 5-aminosalicylic acid and an anti-inflammatory drug. Mesalazine is an active metabolite of sulfasalazine which is used to treat inflammatory bowel disease. It is taken orally or as a rectal suppository. Reference standards of Mesalazine API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine impurity G (IMP/15/15) [catalogue_number] => PA IPIMP 15 15 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-g-imp-15-15-paipimp1515 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IPIMP 15 15
Molecular Formula :
Molecular Weight : NA
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine impurity E (IMP/16/15) [catalogue_number] => PA IPIMP 16 15 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-e-imp-16-15-paipimp1615 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IPIMP 16 15
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine impurity D (IMP/17/15) [catalogue_number] => PA IPIMP 17 15 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-d-imp-17-15-paipimp1715 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IPIMP 17 15
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine impurity B (IMP/18/15) [catalogue_number] => PA IPIMP 18 15 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-b-imp-18-15-paipimp1815 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IPIMP 18 15
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine (IPRS/76/13)-from IPC [catalogue_number] => PA IPIPRS 76 13 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-iprs-76-13-paipiprs7613 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IPIPRS 76 13
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine Impurity L (IMP/02/16) [catalogue_number] => PA IMP 02 16 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-l-imp-02-16-paimp0216 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IMP 02 16
Molecular Formula : NA
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine (IPRSM002) [catalogue_number] => PA IPRSM002 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-iprsm002-paiprsm002 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IPRSM002
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine Impurity B (IMPA034) [catalogue_number] => PA IMPA034 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-b-impa034-paimpa034 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IMPA034
stdClass Object ( [pname] => 2-Aminophenol (Mesalazine Impurity C) (IMPA008) [catalogue_number] => PA IMPA008 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => 2-aminophenol-mesalazine-impurity-c-impa008-paimpa008 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IMPA008
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine Impurity D (IMPM040) [catalogue_number] => PA IMPM040 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-d-impm040-paimpm040 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IMPM040
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine Impurity G (IMPM041) [catalogue_number] => PA IMPM041 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-g-impm041-paimpm041 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IMPM041
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine Impurity H (IMPS022) [catalogue_number] => PA IMPS022 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-h-imps022-paimps022 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IMPS022
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine Impurity K (IMPM025) [catalogue_number] => PA IMPM025 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-k-impm025-paimpm025 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IMPM025
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Mesalazine Impurity F (IMPM053) [catalogue_number] => PA IMPM053 [category_ids] => ,151, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => mesalazine-impurity-f-impm053-paimpm053 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA IMPM053
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