Furamide works only in the digestive tract and is a lumenal amebicide. For people who are symptomatic, it is used after treatment with metronidazole or tinidazole. Reference standards of Furamide API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object
[pname] => Furamide
[catalogue_number] => PA 06 88000
[category_ids] => ,80,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 328.15
[form] => C14H11Cl2NO4
[cas] => 3736-81-0
[pslug] => 3736-81-0-furamide-api-pa0688000
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Catalogue No.:PA 06 88000
Molecular Formula : C14H11Cl2NO4
Molecular Weight : 328.15