Custom Capabilities

Small Molecules Synthesis

Pharmaffiliates believes in the motto

“ If you can draw it, we can make it”

We are perfect pipeline partners for developing, designing and commercializing small complex molecules which require multistep synthesis.

Pharmaffiliates synthesize small molecules which require complex chemistry and technical capabilities from milligrams to grams scale. Our expertise includes:-
  • APIs and key intermediates
  • Chiral standards
  • Metabolites
  • Glucuronides
  • Stable isotopes

Based on our integrated and centralized operation and low overheads, we are able to offer prompt quotations, very competitive prices, high-quality products and fast deliveries.

Custom Capability- Small Molecules Synthesis

Large Molecules Synthesis

Pharmaffiliates believe in pure and innovative science

“Science isn’t about why…..It’s about why not? "

With this thought in our minds, we have strengthened our belief in innovating, designing and developing large molecules which require complex multistep synthesis.

We synthesize large and complex molecules which require complex chemistry and technical capabilities from milligrams to grams scale. Our expertise includes:-
  • APIs and key intermediates
  • Chiral standards
  • Metabolites
  • Glucuronides
  • Stable isotopes

Based on our integrated and centralized operation and low overheads, we are able to offer prompt quotations, very competitive prices, high-quality products and fast deliveries.

New Drug Delivery Systems

Pharmaffiliates offers novel nano lipoidal carrier systems made up of unique bio-friendly biomaterials like Phospholipids in conjunction with other promising excipients like hydrocolloids and polymers. The resulting vehicle has a huge potential in giving a new life to old molecules. The new product thus developed will find applications in Dermatology, Cosmetics, and Nutraceuticals.

Using nanoparticle-based drug delivery the drug can be targeted to the precise location which would make drug most effective, reducing toxicity and maintaining therapeutic efficiency.

Custom Capabilities

Impurity Profiling

Identification, isolation, and characterization of impurities is significant to evaluate data that establishes the biological safety of an individual monograph or drug substance.

The impurity standards reveal the need and scope of impurity profiling of drugs in pharmaceutical research and production.

Pharmaffiliates understands this need of industry. With over 10,000 ready in stock impurities and over 300,000 compounds in our catalog, Pharmaffiliates has subject matter experts, who are engaged in the synthesis of impurities and metabolites of APIs and FPPs which include antibiotics, steroids, chiral, achiral drugs and deuterated compounds.

Custom Capabilities-Impurity Profiling

Polymorphism Studies

The ability of a substance to exist in two or more crystalline form due to the difference in packing, orientation, and conformation of atoms results in the difference in physical and chemical properties of that substance.

Pharmaceutical industries study these differences in the properties which may result in advantageous or deleterious consequences on the quality, efficacy, and nature of the drug.

Pharmaffiliates partner you in performing these studies with the help of vibrational spectroscopies, namely Infrared and Raman, which are used to detect and characterize different polymorphic forms.

Custom Capabilities-Polymorphism Studies

Deuterated Compounds

Deuterium(D) or 2H is a naturally-occurring, stable, non-radioactive isotope of Hydrogen which is widely used for labeling. It is prepared by hydrogen–deuterium (H/D) exchange reaction using either D2 or D2O along with the catalyst.

Other than Deuterium main isotopes routinely used are 1H, 13C and 15N, with a more sparse use of 31P, 19F and 17O.

Isotope labeled compounds are used in chemistry and biochemistry to understand reaction mechanisms, metabolic pathway, metabolic transformations and interactions because they have different masses and can be detected by Mass Spectroscopy(MS) and different vibration modes which can be detected by IR and NMR.

Deuterium labeled standards are broadly employed in organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, enzymology, spectroscopy, pharmacology, and many other fields

Applications are:
  • Study of reaction mechanism
  • Study Biosynthetic pathway
  • Internal standard for Mass Spectroscopy
  • Improve metabolic stability of drug

Pharmaffiliates is leading manufacturer/suppliers/exporter of Deuterium compounds and other isotope labeled compounds in India and across the world. With over 10,000 Deuterium labeled compounds available at Pharmaffiliates, we also offer pack sizes of 1mg and 10mg along with customized pack sizes.

Custom Capabilities-Deuterated Compounds
CPHI INDIA- 28, 30 November