An antipsychotic drug which is used for the treatment of biolar diseases. It acts as an antagonist to doamine D2, D3, D4 receptors. Lurasidone is also useful for treating the cognitive and memory deficits seen in schizophrenia. Reference standards of Lurasidone API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object
[pname] => 5α/6α-Hydroxy Lurasidone-d8 Hydrochloride
(Mixture of Diastereomers)
[catalogue_number] => PA STI 049620
[category_ids] => ,69,71,100,98,76,75,78,70,82,88,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 553.19
[form] => C28H29D8ClN4O3S
[cas] => NA
[pslug] => 5-alpha-6-alpha-hydroxy-lurasidone-d8-hydrochloride
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5α/6α-Hydroxy Lurasidone-d8 Hydrochloride
(Mixture of Diastereomers)
Catalogue No.:PA STI 049620
Molecular Formula : C28H29D8ClN4O3S
Molecular Weight : 553.19
stdClass Object
[pname] => 5β/6β-Hydroxy Lurasidone-d8 Hydrochloride
(Mixture of Diastereomers)
[catalogue_number] => PA STI 049630
[category_ids] => ,69,71,100,98,76,75,78,70,82,88,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 553.19
[form] => C28H29D8ClN4O3S
[cas] => NA
[pslug] => 5-beta-6-beta-hydroxy-lurasidone-d8-hydrochloride
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5β/6β-Hydroxy Lurasidone-d8 Hydrochloride
(Mixture of Diastereomers)
Catalogue No.:PA STI 049630
Molecular Formula : C28H29D8ClN4O3S
Molecular Weight : 553.19
stdClass Object
[pname] => Lurasidone-d8 Hydrochloride
[catalogue_number] => PA STI 057320
[category_ids] => ,69,98,78,70,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 537.19
[form] => C28H29D8ClN4O2S
[cas] => NA
[pslug] => lurasidone-d8-hydrochloride-pasti057320
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Lurasidone-d8 Hydrochloride
Catalogue No.:PA STI 057320
Molecular Formula : C28H29D8ClN4O2S
Molecular Weight : 537.19
stdClass Object
[pname] => Lurasidone-d8
[catalogue_number] => PA STI 057321
[category_ids] => ,98,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 500.73
[form] => C28H28D8N4O2S
[cas] => 1132654-54-6
[pslug] => 1132654-54-6-lurasidone-d8-pasti057321
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Catalogue No.:PA STI 057321
Molecular Formula : C28H28D8N4O2S
Molecular Weight : 500.73