Clostebol Acetate-impurities | Pharmaffiliates

clostebol acetate

Clostebol Acetate is a synthetic androgenic steroid with anabolic effects that is frequently used in sports to increase physical performance. It is administered via intramuscular injection.. Reference standards of Clostebol Acetate API, and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below

stdClass Object
    [pname] => Clostebol Acetate - API Standards 
    [catalogue_number] => PA 56 40000
    [category_ids] => ,80,71,78,70,82,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 364.91
    [form] => C21H29ClO3
    [cas] => 855-19-6
    [pslug] => 855-19-6-clostebol-acetate-api-pa5640000
    [latest_product] => 0
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PA 56 40000

Clostebol Acetate - API Standards

  • Catalogue No.:PA 56 40000

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C21H29ClO3

  • Molecular Weight : 364.91

stdClass Object
    [pname] => Clostebol
    [catalogue_number] => PA 56 0401000
    [category_ids] => ,78,75,76,82,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 322.87
    [form] => C19H27ClO2
    [cas] => 1093-58-9
    [pslug] => 1093-58-9-clostebol-pa560401000
    [latest_product] => 0
    [linkproducts] => 0
    [offers_id] => 
    [offers_name] => 
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    [offers_product_code] => 
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    [offer_percentage] => 
    [offers_product_main_cat] => 
PA 56 0401000


  • Catalogue No.:PA 56 0401000

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C19H27ClO2

  • Molecular Weight : 322.87

stdClass Object
    [pname] => 4-Chloroandrost-4-en-3α-ol-17-one
    [catalogue_number] => PA 56 0401001
    [category_ids] => ,78,70,82,87,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 322.87
    [form] => C19H27ClO2
    [cas] => 51348-73-3
    [pslug] => 51348-73-3-4-chloroandrost-4-en-3alpha-ol-17-one-pa560401001
    [latest_product] => 0
    [linkproducts] => 0
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    [offers_product_id] => 
    [offers_product_code] => 
    [offers_master_id] => 
    [offer_percentage] => 
    [offers_product_main_cat] => 
PA 56 0401001


  • Catalogue No.:PA 56 0401001

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C19H27ClO2

  • Molecular Weight : 322.87