Vigabatrin is used to treat babies, one month to 2 years old who have a condition known as infantile spasms. It is brand name Sabril. Reference standards of Vigabatrin API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Vigabatrin - Impurity A [catalogue_number] => PA 22 22010 [category_ids] => ,71,75, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 111.14 [form] => C6H9NO [cas] => 7529-16-0 [pslug] => 7529-16-0-vigabatrin-impurity-a-pa2222010 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 22 22010
Molecular Formula : C6H9NO
Molecular Weight : 111.14
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Vigabatrin - Impurity F [catalogue_number] => PA 22 22060 [category_ids] => ,79,78,70,82,75,92, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 240.30 [form] => C12H20N2O3 [cas] => 794466-81-2 [pslug] => 794466-81-2-vigabatrin-impurity-f-pa2222060 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 22 22060
Molecular Formula : C12H20N2O3
Molecular Weight : 240.30
stdClass Object ( [pname] => cis-Crotonic Acid [catalogue_number] => PA 22 22510 [category_ids] => ,78,70,82,75, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 86.09 [form] => C4H6O2 [cas] => 503-64-0 [pslug] => 503-64-0-cis-crotonic-acid-pa2222510 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 22 22510
Molecular Formula : C4H6O2
Molecular Weight : 86.09
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Succinamic Acid [catalogue_number] => PA 22 22520 [category_ids] => ,79,78,70,82,75,92, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 117.1 [form] => C4H7NO3 [cas] => 638-32-4 [pslug] => 638-32-4-succinamic-acid-pa2222520 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 22 22520
Molecular Formula : C4H7NO3
Molecular Weight : 117.1
stdClass Object ( [pname] => N-Carboxymethyl Vinylpyrrolidinone [catalogue_number] => PA 22 22540 [category_ids] => ,75,78,70,82, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 169.18 [form] => C8H11NO3 [cas] => NA [pslug] => n-carboxymethyl-vinylpyrrolidinone-pa2222540 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 1 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 22 22540
Molecular Formula : C8H11NO3
Molecular Weight : 169.18
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Crotonaldehyde [catalogue_number] => PA 22 0221000 [category_ids] => ,75,76,70,78,82, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 70.09 [form] => C4H6O [cas] => 4170-30-3 [pslug] => 4170-30-3-crotonaldehyde-pa220221000 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 22 0221000
Molecular Formula : C4H6O
Molecular Weight : 70.09
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Vigabatrin Formyl impurity [catalogue_number] => PA 22 0221001 [category_ids] => ,75,76,78,70,82, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 157.17 [form] => C7H11NO3 [cas] => NA [pslug] => vigabatrin-formyl-impurity-pa220221001 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 22 0221001
Molecular Formula : C7H11NO3
Molecular Weight : 157.17
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Vigabatrin-13C-D2 Hydrochloride [catalogue_number] => PA STI 089162 [category_ids] => ,98,75,76,78,70,82, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 168.62 [form] => C513CH10D2ClNO2 [cas] => NA [pslug] => vigabatrin-13c-d2-hydrochloride-pasti089162 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA STI 089162
Molecular Formula : C513CH10D2ClNO2
Molecular Weight : 168.62
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