A serotonin type 3 receptor antagonist. It is Used in the treatment of nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.Reference standards of Ondansetron Hydrochloride Dihydrate API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Ondansetron Hydrochloride Dihydrate - Impurity A (Hydrochloride Salt) [catalogue_number] => PA 15 07010 [category_ids] => 79,71,75,70,78,82 [chemical_name] => [weight] => 292.80 [form] => C16H21ClN2O [cas] => 119812-29-2 [pslug] => 119812-29-2-ondansetron-hydrochloride-dihydrate-impurity-a-hydrochloride-salt-pa1507010 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 1 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 15 07010
Molecular Formula : C16H21ClN2O
Molecular Weight : 292.80
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Ondansetron Hydrochloride Dihydrate - Impurity B [catalogue_number] => PA 15 07020 [category_ids] => 71,70,75,78,82 [chemical_name] => [weight] => 598.74 [form] => C37H38N6O2 [cas] => 1076198-52-1 [pslug] => 1076198-52-1-ondansetron-hydrochloride-dihydrate-impurity-b-pa1507020 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 15 07020
Molecular Formula : C37H38N6O2
Molecular Weight : 598.74
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Ondansetron Hydrochloride Dihydrate - Impurity G [catalogue_number] => PA 15 07070 [category_ids] => 82,79,78,76,75,71,70 [chemical_name] => [weight] => 279.34 [form] => C17H17N3O [cas] => 99614-03-6 [pslug] => 99614-03-6-ondansetron-hydrochloride-dihydrate-impurity-g-pa1507070 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 15 07070
Molecular Formula : C17H17N3O
Molecular Weight : 279.34
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Ondansetron Hydrochloride Dihydrate - Impurity H [catalogue_number] => PA 15 07080 [category_ids] => 76,78,82,75,71,70 [chemical_name] => [weight] => 279.34 [form] => C17H17N3O [cas] => 99614-14-9 [pslug] => 99614-14-9-ondansetron-hydrochloride-dihydrate-impurity-h-pa1507080 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 1 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 15 07080
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Ondansetron Hydrochloride Dihydrate - Impurity A (Freebase) [catalogue_number] => PA 15 0070010 [category_ids] => ,75,76,78,70,82, [chemical_name] => [weight] => 256.35 [form] => C16H20N2O [cas] => 153139-56-1 [pslug] => 153139-56-1-ondansetron-hydrochloride-dihydrate-impurity-a-freebase-pa150070010 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 1 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 15 0070010
Molecular Formula : C16H20N2O
Molecular Weight : 256.35
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Ondansetron Hydrochloride Dihydrate - Impurity H (Maleate Salt) [catalogue_number] => PA 15 0070081 [category_ids] => 82,78,76,75,70 [chemical_name] => [weight] => 395.42 [form] => C21H21N3O5 [cas] => 99614-15-0 [pslug] => 99614-15-0-ondansetron-hydrochloride-dihydrate-impurity-h-maleate-salt-pa150070081 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 1 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA 15 0070081
Molecular Formula : C21H21N3O5
Molecular Weight : 395.42
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