Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride-impurities | Pharmaffiliates

mitoxantrone hydrochloride

Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride is used to treat certain types of cancer, mostly acute myeloid leukemia. It is also known as Mitozantrone. Reference standards of Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.

stdClass Object
    [pname] => Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride - Impurity B
    [catalogue_number] => PA 40 18020
    [category_ids] => ,79,80,75,78,70,82,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 428.49
    [form] => C22H28N4O5
    [cas] => 80189-44-2
    [pslug] => 80189-44-2-mitoxantrone-hydrochloride-impurity-b-pa4018020
    [latest_product] => 0
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PA 40 18020

Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride - Impurity B

  • Catalogue No.:PA 40 18020

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C22H28N4O5

  • Molecular Weight : 428.49

stdClass Object
    [pname] => Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride - Impurity A
    [catalogue_number] => PA 40 18010
    [category_ids] => ,79,80,71,76,75,78,70,82,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 357.37
    [form] => C18H19N3O5
    [cas] => 89991-52-6
    [pslug] => 89991-52-6-mitoxantrone-hydrochloride-impurity-a-pa4018010
    [latest_product] => 0
    [linkproducts] => 1
    [offers_id] => 
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    [offers_product_code] => 
    [offers_master_id] => 
    [offer_percentage] => 
    [offers_product_main_cat] => 
PA 40 18010

Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride - Impurity A

  • Catalogue No.:PA 40 18010

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C18H19N3O5

  • Molecular Weight : 357.37

stdClass Object
    [pname] => Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride - Impurity A (Hydrochloride Salt)
    [catalogue_number] => PA 40 0180011
    [category_ids] => ,75,76,78,70,82,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 393.82
    [form] => C18H20ClN3O5
    [cas] => 89991-54-8
    [pslug] => 89991-54-8-mitoxantrone-hydrochloride-impurity-a-hydrochloride-salt-pa400180011
    [latest_product] => 0
    [linkproducts] => 1
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    [offers_product_code] => 
    [offers_master_id] => 
    [offer_percentage] => 
    [offers_product_main_cat] => 
PA 40 0180011

Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride - Impurity A (Hydrochloride Salt)

  • Catalogue No.:PA 40 0180011

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C18H20ClN3O5

  • Molecular Weight : 393.82

stdClass Object
    [pname] => Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride - Impurity D
    [catalogue_number] => PA 40 0180040
    [category_ids] => ,79,80,75,78,70,82,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 442.47
    [form] => C22H26N4O6
    [cas] => 137132-70-8
    [pslug] => 137132-70-8-mitoxantrone-hydrochloride-impurity-d-pa400180040
    [latest_product] => 0
    [linkproducts] => 0
    [offers_id] => 
    [offers_name] => 
    [offers_status] => 
    [offers_start_date] => 
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    [offers_product_id] => 
    [offers_product_code] => 
    [offers_master_id] => 
    [offer_percentage] => 
    [offers_product_main_cat] => 
PA 40 0180040

Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride - Impurity D

  • Catalogue No.:PA 40 0180040

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C22H26N4O6

  • Molecular Weight : 442.47