Apitolisib is an orally administered therapy for the treatment of Solid Cancers, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Renal Cell Carcinoma, and Endometrial Carcinoma.Reference standards of Apitolisib API, and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object
[pname] => Apitolisib-API
[catalogue_number] => PA 01 2740000
[category_ids] => ,123,81,69,78,75,76,82,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => 498.61
[form] => C23H30N8O3S
[cas] => 1032754-93-0
[pslug] => 1032754-93-0-apitolisib-pa012740000
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Catalogue No.:PA 01 2740000
Molecular Formula : C23H30N8O3S
Molecular Weight : 498.61