Ritonavir-impurities | Pharmaffiliates


An antiretroviral medication, used to treat HIV/AIDS in combination with other medicines. Ritonavir works as an inhibitor of HIV protease that interferes with the reproductive cycle of HIV. Reference standards of Ritonavir API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.

stdClass Object
    [pname] => (3S,6S,8S,9S)-8-Hydroxy-3-(1-methylethyl)-4,11-dioxo-6,9-bis(phenylmethyl)-13-(5-thiazolyl)-12-oxa-2,5,10-triazatridecanoic Acid 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl Ester
    [catalogue_number] => PA 18 30540
    [category_ids] => ,75,78,70,82,88,80,92,79,71,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 642.77
    [form] => C32H42N4O8S
    [cas] => 1010809-54-7
    [pslug] => 1010809-54-7-3s-6s-8s-9s-8-hydroxy-3-1-methylethyl-4-11-dioxo-6-9-bis-phenylmethyl-13-5-thiazolyl-12-oxa-2-5-10-triazatridecanoic-acid-2-3-dihydroxypropyl-ester-pa1830540
    [latest_product] => 0
    [linkproducts] => 0
    [offers_id] => 
    [offers_name] => 
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    [offers_start_date] => 
    [offers_end_date] => 
    [pageview] => 
    [offers_slug] => 
    [offers_product_id] => 
    [offers_product_code] => 
    [offers_master_id] => 
    [offer_percentage] => 
    [offers_product_main_cat] => 
PA 18 30540

(3S,6S,8S,9S)-8-Hydroxy-3-(1-methylethyl)-4,11-dioxo-6,9-bis(phenylmethyl)-13-(5-thiazolyl)-12-oxa-2,5,10-triazatridecanoic Acid 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl Ester

  • Catalogue No.:PA 18 30540

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C32H42N4O8S

  • Molecular Weight : 642.77

stdClass Object
    [pname] => Mixture of BOC-Amino Alcohol and Isobutoxycarbonyl Amino Alcohol
    [catalogue_number] => PA 18 30590
    [category_ids] => ,75,78,70,82,88,80,92,79,71,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 525.66
    [form] => C28H35N3O5S + C28H35N3O5S
    [cas] => NA
    [pslug] => mixture-of-boc-amino-alcohol-and-isobutoxycarbonyl-amino-alcohol-pa1830590
    [latest_product] => 0
    [linkproducts] => 0
    [offers_id] => 
    [offers_name] => 
    [offers_status] => 
    [offers_start_date] => 
    [offers_end_date] => 
    [pageview] => 
    [offers_slug] => 
    [offers_product_id] => 
    [offers_product_code] => 
    [offers_master_id] => 
    [offer_percentage] => 
    [offers_product_main_cat] => 
PA 18 30590

Mixture of BOC-Amino Alcohol and Isobutoxycarbonyl Amino Alcohol

  • Catalogue No.:PA 18 30590

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C28H35N3O5S + C28H35N3O5S

  • Molecular Weight : 525.66