A drug which is active against both HIV1 and HIV2 virus, Lamivudine is also known as 3TC, is an antiretroviral medication. It is used for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. Lamivudine is an analogue of cytidine. Reference standards of Lamivudine API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object
[pname] => Lamivudine impurity C (IMP/04/14)
[catalogue_number] => PA IPIMP 04 14
[category_ids] => ,151,
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[weight] => NA
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Lamivudine impurity C (IMP/04/14)
stdClass Object
[pname] => Lamivudine (IPRS/237/12)-from IPC
[catalogue_number] => PA IPIPRS 237 12
[category_ids] => ,151,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => NA
[form] =>
[cas] => NA
[pslug] => lamivudine-iprs-237-12-paipiprs23712
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Lamivudine (IPRS/237/12)-from IPC
stdClass Object
[pname] => Lamivudine (IPRSL016)
[catalogue_number] => PA IPRSL016
[category_ids] => ,151,
[chemical_name] =>
[weight] => NA
[form] => NA
[cas] => NA
[pslug] => lamivudine-iprsl016-paiprsl016
[latest_product] => 0
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