Irisflorentin is an isoflavone component derived from the roots of Belamcanda chinensis DC. In traditional Chinese medicine, this herb has pharmacological properties to treat inflammatory disorders. Reference standards of Irisflorentin API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
stdClass Object ( [pname] => Irisflorentin (Y0001616) [catalogue_number] => PA EPY0001616 [category_ids] => ,150, [chemical_name] => [weight] => NA [form] => NA [cas] => NA [pslug] => irisflorentin-y0001616-paepy0001616 [latest_product] => 0 [linkproducts] => 0 [offers_id] => [offers_name] => [offers_status] => [offers_start_date] => [offers_end_date] => [pageview] => [offers_slug] => [offers_product_id] => [offers_product_code] => [offers_master_id] => [offer_percentage] => [offers_product_main_cat] => )
Catalogue No.:PA EPY0001616
Molecular Formula : NA
Molecular Weight : NA
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