A vasodilator drug, Phentolamine is a reversible nonselective α-adrenergic antagonist. It is mainly used to control hypretensive emergencies. Reference standards of Phentolamine API,and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.
Phentolamine mesilate - reference spectrum (P1109000)
Catalogue No.:PA EPP1109000
Molecular Formula : NA
Molecular Weight : NA
Phentolamine mesilate (Y0001127)
Catalogue No.:PA EPY0001127
Phentolamine for system suitability (Y0001251)
Catalogue No.:PA EPY0001251
phentolamine impurity standard (1099RB)
Catalogue No.:PA BP1099RB
phentolamine mesilate (520RB)
Catalogue No.:PA BP520RB
Catalogue No.:PA 16 0861000
Molecular Formula : C17H17N3O2
Molecular Weight : 295.34
Catalogue No.:PA 16 0861001
Molecular Formula : C17H17N3
Molecular Weight : 263.34
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