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The Necessity of Vitamin 12- A Global Concern | Pharmaffiliates

The Necessity of Vitamin 12- A Global Concern

Published July 23, 2019 by pharmaffiliates
Necessity of Vitamin 12- A Global Concern

It is estimated, that unknowingly more than 20% of the Indian population suffers from the deficiency of Vitamin 12 and suffer the consequences. As per the perspective of scientists, Vitamin 12 deficiency has become endemic in India and many other developing countries across the globe. Data reveals even superpowers like America is also a part of this endemic problem.

Why Vitamin 12 is Necessary?

Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamin, is a B vitamin which is necessary for cardiovascular and cognitive health. It helps in the production of hemoglobin, improvement of nerve strength and regulation of Homocysteine levels. 5 Homocysteine is an amino acid produced by the body, which in large amounts can increase the risk of a person for heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin B12 works by making sure that the Homocysteine in your blood is successfully expended by your body.

Why the human body gets deficient of Vitamin 12?

Vitamin 12 is, unfortunately, not developed in the human body hence the source mainly depends on diet. Vitamin 12 is produced naturally by anaerobic microorganisms commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract of animals.

Hence, the people who take a lot of non-vegetarian food in their diet get ample supply of Vitamin 12, whereas, vegans and vegetarians suffer from a deficiency. In India, people are mostly vegetarian and so larger populations are deficient and suffer the consequences.

How to Overcome the Problem?

It is very clear from the above discussion, that people with a non-vegetarian diet have sufficient option to supplement themselves with Vitamin 12.

Whereas, for vegans, there are many supplements available in the market in the form of B12 capsules, sprays, and B12 shots. There are two types of vitamin B12 available in the market

(1) Cyanocobalamin - A cheaper, most popular and easily available option which is synthesized in the laboratory, which when introduced in the body is converted into Methylcobalamin.

(2) Methylcobalamin - An active form of vitamin B12 which remains in the body for a longer time. It is the natural form of this vitamin, so the body does not require converting it to another form. It is more easily utilized and is more effective than Cyanocobalamin.

Reference Standards of Cyanocobalamin and Methylcobalamin are easily available at Pharmaffiliates and are readily available in stock. We provide these Reference Standards in pack sizes of 25, 50 and 100mg vials. Pharmaffiliates is a customer friendly firm, so we can even customize the pack size as per the need of our customer.

Pharmaffiliates Analytics and Synthetics Pvt. Ltd. is a global manufacturer/supplier/exporter of Reference standards of very high purity at very competitive prices. We specializes in synthesis of Drug intermediates, metabolites, glucuronides, chiral standards, stable isotopes, pharmaceutical standards and many other related products.

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