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Catalogue number: PA 27 0023891
Chemical name: Antithrombin III Human

CAS Number:


Category: miscellaneous compounds

Antithrombin III; Antithrombins; Heparin cofactor; Heparin cofactor B; Thrombin inhibitor; Neuart (USP);

Molecular form: NA
Appearance: NA
Mol. Weight: NA
Storage: 2-8°C Refrigerator
Shipping Conditions: Ambient
Applications: Antithrombin III human is an alpha-2-glycoprotein used to prevent thromboembolisms in patients with hereditary antithrombin III deficiency.A plasma alpha 2 glycoprotein that accounts for the major antithrombin activity of normal plasma and also inhibits several other enzymes. It is a member of the serpin superfamily.

Antithrombin III Human

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