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Catalogue number: PA 27 0020788
Chemical name: Jacobine

CAS Number:


Category: miscellaneous compounds

Spiro[[1,6]dioxacyclododecino[2,3,4-gh]pyrrolizine-3(2H),2'-oxirane]-2,7(4H)-dione, 5,6,9,11,13,14,14a,14b-octahydro-6-hydroxy-3',5,6-trimethyl-,(2'S,3'S,5R,6R,14aR,14bR)-;

Molecular form: C18H25NO6
Appearance: NA
Mol. Weight: 351.4
Storage: 2-8°C Refrigerator
Shipping Conditions: Ambient
Applications: Jacobine is a pyrrolizidine alkaloid which has been shown to be an herbivore insect deterrent and may be used in the protection of vegetation. Extracted from Crassocephalum plant of West Africa.

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