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Catalogue number: PA STI 013340
Chemical name: Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) Sulfone-d8

CAS Number:


Alternate CAS Number: 80-09-1 (Unlabeled)
Category: stable isotopes,miscellaneous compounds

4,4'-Sulfonylbis(phen-2,3,5,6-d4-ol); 4,4'-sulfonylbisphenol-d8 ;1,1'-Sulfonylbis[4-hydroxybenzene]-d8; 4,4'-Bisphenol S-d8 ; 4,4'-Dihydroxydiphenyl Sulfone; 4,4'-Sulfonylbis[phenol]-d8; 4,4'-Sulfonyldiphenol-d8; 4-(4-Hydroxyphenylsulfonyl)phenol-d8; 4-Hydroxyphenyl Sulfone-d8; BPS 1-d8; BPS-H-d8; BPS-N-d8; BPS-P-d8; BS 3-d8; BS 3 (phenol)-d8; BS-PN-d8; Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) Sulfone-d8; Bis(p-hydroxyphenyl) Sulfone-d8; Bisphenol S-d8; D 8; Diphone A-d8; Diphone C-d8; Diphone D-d8; Dynamar FC 5166-d8; Ex 1B-d8; NSC 683541-d8; NSC 8712-d8; p,p'-Dihydroxydiphenyl Sulfone-d8;

Molecular form: C12H2D8O4S
Appearance: Pale Yellow to Light Brown Solid
Mol. Weight: 258.32
Storage: 2-8°C Refrigerator
Shipping Conditions: Ambient
Applications: Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) Sulfone-d8 is the isotope labelled compound commonly used as a reactant in epoxy reactions and is also used as a latent thermal catalyst for epoxy resin.

Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) Sulfone-d8

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