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Catalogue number: PA 27 0018635
Chemical name: Tert-Butyl Isopropyl Ether

CAS Number:


Category: miscellaneous compounds

2-Methyl-2-(1-methylethoxy)propane; 2-isopropoxy-2-methylpropane; isopropyl tert-butyl ether;

Molecular form: C7H16O
Appearance: Clear Colourless Oil
Mol. Weight: 116.2
Storage: 2-8°C Refrigerator
Shipping Conditions: Ambient
Applications: One of the alkyl ethers with tert-Bu groups in their molecules which showed very poor biodegradability, tert-Bu Me ether (MTBE) had no effect on the biodegradability of gasoline blended with it. Studies on the biodegradation of several alkyl ethers were carried out by measuring the O uptake rate in the presence of standard activated sludge as a source of microorganisms.

Tert-Butyl Isopropyl Ether

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